Our Mission
We have a simple mission – create a 1000 trainers in the next 5 years, and also create a difference in the lives of people and bring more positivity. We aim to help people realize their inner potential through mind training and give their life a new direction. All these cumulate to a successful life.
Sudarshan Sabat helps in untapping the powers of the mind through different tools and techniques. Our programs are easy-to-use and are designed to empower people. All the training programs will help you unless and harness the powers of the mind.
Sudarshan Sabat’s Life Vision is a healthy, peaceful, beautiful world of extraordinary relationships, great accomplishments, and integrity; an exciting world of respect, dignity, leadership, courage, and honor, where all people generously and passionately contribute their best to one another.

Our Vision
Everybody deserves to live a happy, fulfilling and content life. Our vision is to help people get that. Through our mind power training secrets, we help you discover your inner potential and enjoy the highest degree of happiness in all aspects of life.
Mr. Sudarshan Sabat believes that by harnessing the inherent power of mind, he can help individuals, societies and organizations to grow and attain success.
One of his biggest dreams is to start the world’s very first “Mind Power College” where people will gather an insight on how to become successful in life and turn their dreams into reality.
Our Achivements-No.1 Mind Trainer
Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself.Sudarshan Sabat is considered as No.1 Mind Trainer In India. Recently he was awareded as Best Motivational speaker